
The girl has taste

Hardcore workout today. Busted ass with trainer, actually intern guy since trainer was taking advantage of his last week with intern guy. Then after that hour I put in a half hour on the elliptical. Great stats. 565 calories spent in 30 minutes. That is 18.8 calories spent per minute. Way above what I hoped to hit today.

I could have gone longer but I stopped myself at 30 minutes. Didn't want to overdo it. Glad I did. Mowed the backyard for the first time of the year later on in the day and my legs are spent.

Picked up the MNA from pre-school. Was driving down the road when she informed me,"I sang Happy Birthday".

I asked,"Who's birthday was it?

She said,"A friend". In her pre-school they call all the kids friend if they don't remember the name. I guess it beats calling them names they hear at home.

I queried,"Did you enjoy singing to your friend?"

It was at this exact point in her development my daughter took a big step in her life. She matured and hit the next level. She had realized one of life's most important philosophies.

She responded,"It's all about the cupcake".

~The Dad